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Lighting Designer in Singapore,
Event Lighting Programmer

Stage Lighting: Programmer, Designer
Event Lighting: Programmer, Designer


Lighting Designer and Programmer in Singapore - Assif Khan

I have been in the events industry for more than 15 years with extensive experience as an event and stage lighting designer and as an event lighting programmer. I have provided lighting design services and programmed event lighting for many types of events throughout my time in the events industry, including for birthday parties, adult parties, dinner and dances, fashion shows, concerts and corporate events in Singapore.


I have also worked and have extensive experience as an event coordinator, in planning and management of events and, setting up event lighting and event sound for hundreds of events.


I am fortunate to have gained invaluable experience, and am thankful to have met and worked with many talented individuals in the events industry, some of whom have mentored me, making me who I am today. Throughout my time the events industry, I have made many good friends and we continue to work together in this industry for which we have great passion for.


Feel free to visit my Google+ profile page where I have started updating with information on event lighting design and lighting programming work that I done for events in Singapore.

Event and Stage Lighting Design and Rental - Max Efectos Lights
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